752022.9.10川上洋平 [Alexandros] × Easy Life 対談
- nightmares / Easy Life
- OTT / Easy Life
- DEAR MISS HOLLOWAY / Easy Life & Kevin Abstract
- BEESWAX / Easy Life
- You Can't Steal My Love / Mando Diao
- nightmares(Studio Live @ "oto,okashi") / 川上洋平 from[Alexandros]
マレー「うーん、そうかも。 ただ、スポーツ全般があまり好きではないんです。僕はガリガリで小さいから。運動するよりも歌うことを選んだんです。」
マレー「そうですね、Easy Lifeを始めたからというのもありますが、ご存知の通り、レスターは本当に小さな街です。本当に小さいから、みんながみんなを知ってる。Easy Lifeでキーボードを弾いているJordonは、クラレンドン・パークという海の小さなエリアに住んでいるからね。クラレンドン・パークの話なんて信じられないけど、彼はそこに住んでいて、KASABIANのメンバーも何人か隣に住んでいると思うから、お互いに知っているだろうし、僕らは音楽を作っているから、この夏は彼らとたくさんライブをしたんだ。」
サム「そうそう、サマソニも何回もやってるよね。SUMMER SONICにも何度も出演してるし、ポスターも何年も前から見てて、すごい大きなバンドなんだよね。」
川上「そうそう、Bobby Gillespieと友達になったんだ。」
川上「僕たちはSwim Deepと友達になったんだ。」
川上「彼らは今年のSUMMER SONICには来ませんでしたよね?」
川上「プライマル・スクリームやブラー、レディオヘッド、そしてアークティック・モンキーズへ。そしてThe 1975へ、そして今はEasy Life。」
川上「そうですね、Easy Lifeは他のバンドとは少し違うんですよね。でも、あなたたちはバンドみたいなものです。初めて君たちの音楽を聴いたとき、本当に素晴らしかったよ。でも、ロックバンドだとは思っていなかったんだ。でも、YouTubeであなたたちのコンサートの映像を見たとき、実際の楽器を演奏していたのです。もっとパンク的なムーブメントだと思ってたんですけどね。」
マレー「そして、Easy Lifeにはいつも興味深い二面性があるんだ。でも、ライブで演奏すると、観客からエネルギーをもらって、クレイジーになるんだ。あなたがパンクは最高だと言ったように、僕らの夢はパンクになることなんだ。」
川上「SUMMER SONICで使う予定だったんですか?」
川上「ええ、つまり、ええ、私は以前シリアに住んでいたんです。だから少しは英語が話せるんです。父が仕事のために転勤族だったから。ヨーロッパに近かったから、MTVワールドを見てたんだ。その前はニルヴァーナとかね。Oasis を好きになった。そしてブリットポップになって、Oasis論争が起こって、、、」
川上「私たちの バンドは10年前ぐらいに四人で共同生活をしていたことだあったんだ。良い時間だったけど、悪い時間でもあったよ。」
マレー「バンドがそういうことをやってることを聞くとさ、Sports Teamっていう人達を知ってるかな?ああ、彼らも一緒に住んでいるんだ。話を聞くと狂ってるよ。(サムに向かって)あなたのことは好きだけど、一緒に暮らしたくはないよね。」
川上「最新アルバム『 MAYBE IN ANOTHER LIFE... 』がリリースされましたね。」
川上「そうですね、3曲 とも大好きですがもちろん、"BASEMENT"を聴きたかったです。どのようなアルバムになっているのですか?」
![[Alexandros] × Easy Life 対談](https://www.tfm.co.jp/okashi/craft/assets/_fitFullHD/magazine内画像_0910.jpg)
Yoohei) So I want to go through the show that you had in Shibuya Quattro. (It’s not like interview-interview, it’s a casual one )
Sam・Murray) Yeah, cool.
Yoohei) So you went to Shibuya Quattro 3 days ago, maybe?
Sam) Yeah, I missed that night. It was really good.
Yoohei) All my friends went there, and sent me those movies, and that was amazing.
Sam) It was so much fun.
Murray) Yeah, it was crazy bro. It was wild, like Japanese crowd go crazy.
Sam) I know, it was really good.
Murray) It was sick.
Sam) It was a cool venue as well.
Yoohei) It is, yeah, I’ve been there like 10 years ago. It’s really good.
Murray) Super cool.
Yoohei) So how was Sumer Sonic?
Murray) Amazing.
Yoohei) Yesterday, right? In Tokyo?
Sam) Yeah, we did at Tokyo yesterday. And Osaka on...
Murray) Like all the crowds is just huge.
Yoohei) I saw Instagram.
Murray) Dude, whats that about?
Yoohei) (laugh)
Murray) That was the biggest crowd we ever played to outside of England. Yeah, for sure. Yeah but like, so far. It was massive bro.
Yoohei) Everyone was waiting for you guys.
Murray) No, no. They were all waiting to see,,, TXT
Yoohei) I know, I know, they were waiting for you guys.
Sam) They did not have enough dance moves. (laugh)
Murray) Yeah, they need some more synchronized dance. But umm, yeah, I mean bless them. There are all waiting to see. But still, it was amazing. There were so many of them.
Yoohei) I wish I was there. I mean all my band members wished to be at Summer Sonic. But I wanted to go to Shibuya Quattro, because you played new song, called “BASEMENT”?
Sam・Murray) Yeah, man.
Yoohei) That’s only for Japan, right? you didn’t played at Korea.
Sam) Sneak peak.
Sam) Ooooh, maybe a little bit. But we played it better in Japan.
Yoohei) Oh, that’s good.
Murray) We actually planned to play it in Japan, whereas in Korea which was a last minute like, umm yeah. Basically can have to play it there.
Sam) Because we got a second anchor, like they wouldn’t leave.
Yoohei) Second Anchor!? Wow.
Murray) Yeah, oh well, we try to play this song and because we thought it sound good, so we thought lets just play this in Japan. This is going to be amazing.
Yoohei) Oh man, I missed it.
Sam) Yeah, next time.
Yoohei) Do you have any plans to come back to Japan? Like next year?
Murray) We want to move to Japan!
Yoohei) Yeah, I saw your writing on your Instagram.
Murray) No, bro. That was just for caption though. We are for real!
Murray) Dude, Japan is so sick!
Yoohei) You went to Golden-Gai at Shinjuku?
Murray) Yeah, and last night, I mean every night, we got so drunk.
Sam) We were those guys though. We didn’t want to go out last night, and then we went to the HUB, you know the HUB? And we felt terrible like for tourists, we were just going for this British pub.
Sam) It was embarrassing. But it was amazing.
Yoohei) Ichiran Ramen?
Murray)No last night we went to Shio.....
Murray) That’s all we did. All I wanted to do. Just get food and sleep. Because we’ve been going out a lot. And then, you know, got back at 5:30 this morning.
Sam) We had like one English pie and we were ready to go out.
Murray) That was it.
Yoohei) So you had any Japanese Sake?
Sam・Murray) Yeah, we did.
Murray) Many many sakes.
Yoohei) When are you guys departing?
Murray) Never.
Yoohei) (laugh)
Sam) We are leaving tomorrow night.
Yoohei) Oh, tomorrow night!?
Murray) We are going to Australia first.
Yoohei) Oh yeah, yeah.
Sam) Gotta couple shows out there.
Murray) But it’s gonna suck going home. It’s really gonna sucks.
Yoohei) So he has a couple of questions. He is really obsessed with soccer, football actually.
Murray・Sam) Oh godddd.
Yoohei) He is really into Leicester City FC.
Murray) ohhh, I’m so sorry, we are gonna take in our friend here.
Sam) Can we get Caston here?
Murray) Because we don’t know anything about football.
Sam) Me too. He is obsessed with, yeah.
Murray) It’s very rare for British people not to like football but you’ve got two very rare Brits.
Oliver) I’m from Nottingham, and Nottingham Forest is now in the premier League for the first time in like 23 years something crazy, so that’s my knowledge.
Yoohei) Okay, so we need you for football as a director and he’s really obsessed with football.
Oliver) Leicester City FC, hey, you like Leicester?
Program Director) I like Manchester United.
Oliver) Ohh, that’s a shame. Yeah, he won the premier league.
Oliver) Yeah, he’s one of the best people and there’s like a stand at this football stadium and like Syndra Zacky is like the wall. And he’s like in the air like doing a diving header.
Yoohei) I’m not really into this guy, so I’m not really sure what he was talking about. He’s really into it. Okay, thanks. Thanks so much. Like you know, he thinks all the English people loves football.
Murray) Yeah, that is the case. Most people casually support the team at least but for some reason, like we don’t. Okay, but most people do.
Yoohei) Maybe something about a generation?
Murray) Umm, maybe. I just like, I don’t really like sport in general. Like I7m so scrawny and small. I chose to sing instead of exercise.
Yoohei) That’s very good.
Sam) But I want to get manhandled.
Murray) Yeah, Im too scared. Too scared to compete against other alpha males. Scary.
Yoohei) So you from Leicester. You’re all from Leicester, right?
Sam・Murray) Yeah, Leicester.
Yoohei) Leicester, you know, KASABIAN. They’re kind of big from Leicester. Do you have any like connection with them?
Murray) Yeah, I mean, only because we’ve started Easy Life, as you know, Leicester is really small. Really small so everyone knows everyone. So yeah, we do know the guys from KASABIAN, because Jordon who plays the keyboard in Easy Life, he lives in this little area of the sea called Clarendon Park. I can’t believe were talking about Clarendon Park, but he lives there and I think so do some of the guys from KASABIAN, like next door, so they will just know each other and then obviously we make music so and we played lots of shows with them this summer.
Sam) Yeah, they’ve done so many Summer Sonics. Yeah, we were looking at the posters and from like years back, they’ve been a huge band.
Murray) Its weird for us to see that, you know come all the way to Japan and see a band from Leicester like, right up there on the linup. But yeah, theyre huge, right?
Sam) Yeah, they are. We opened up for them eight years ago.
Murray) Oh, you did?
Yoohei) Yeah.
Murray) In Japan?
Yoohei) Yeah.
Sam) Cool.
Murray) We’ve done lots of British bands. Like Primal Scream.
Murray) Noo. Are you joking bro?
Yoohei) Yeah, we kind of became friends with Bobby Gillespie.
Sam) Wow, that’s crazy. Have you ever toured England before?
Yoohei) Yeah, we went there like maybe once. We went for Brighton Beach. I forgot the name of the festival.
Murray) The Great Escape?
Yoohei) Yeah, it was really awsome. Everyone told me that it was gonna be raining, but the day we went there, it was really sunny.
Murray) Wow, that only happens once a year, so you are very lucky.
Sam) And really like, you should come back. Theres lots of cool cities.
Yoohei) We became friends with Swim Deep.
Murray) Wow bro, that’s sick.
Yoohei) They didn’t come to Sumer Sonic this year, right?
Murray) Yeah, no. They are really cool man.
Yoohei) So like, I got really influenced with UK rock music scene, starting with Oasis.
Sam) Yeah, of course.
Yoohei) The voice of Primal scream and all those Blur and Radiohead, and went to Arctic Monkeys. And to The 1975 and now its Easy Life.
Murray) Yeah, it is. I don’t know if we can like follow those incredible artists. Those are big shoes to fill, man. But yeah, I guess we’re just... I don’t know, there's not that there was a bit of a dead patch in England for a while like I feel like all those acts were incredible and so important for the music worldwide. Yeah, like the development of music as an art form as well. They changed the face of pop music and like something like that hasn’t happened in England for ages maybe. But you know, we have like UK grime. And like there’s a big rap scene in England, which is incredible, like really good. They compete like with the Americans like every time but yeah, amazing.
Sam) Like that’s probably like the biggest thing happening. I think Skepta did headlined for the Glastonbury.
Murray) Yeah, two years ago maybe. He had an album called “Konnichiwa” as well. Which is fun. But yeah, so like when we started we just wanted to like do something different and like shake it up a bit. And there's so many like, derivative boring bands in England, man. Like there's so many. Everyone is in a band. So we were like, how do we do something different?
Yoohei) I guess yeah, Like Easy Life is kind of really different from other bands. But you guys are like band. When I first listen to you music, it was really amazing. But I didn’t think that was a kind of rock band kind of thing. But when I see your concerts on YouTube, it was like playing the actual instruments. I thought it was like a more punk kind of movement.
Murray・Sam) Yes, Yeah.
Sam) We love the energy we get from playing live as like such a big part of why we do it. In the first place, yeah, love just being able to play everything that like you hear on the record. Were gonna try and play it basically.
Murray) And like, its always been an interesting like duality to Easy Life where like the music’s really chilled. But then when we play it live, its like we get the energy from the crowd and we just go crazy and the fact you just said punk is the best that yeah, our dream is to be punks.
Yoohei) You guys are already punk.
Sam) The Glastonbury? Yeah, it was crazy.
Murray) Yeah, it was wild. Yeah, we got some wild crowds in England for sure.
Yoohei) So, I also like your outfits. Like all of you had the same leather jacket, did you guys made it for this album to come out?
Murray) it was like a Glastonbury uniform.
Yoohei) You were going to use this for the Summer Sonic?
Murray) Yeah, so we have like two matching outfits that we rotate. Like for each campaign, we do like make a wardrobe and then just use it. It`s actually coming to the end of the campaign. Now we are going to do at Australia and then we won’t use those outfits again. We’ve been wearing them a lot and they really smell.
Yoohei) Yeah, you have to get it to the laundry maybe.
Murray) Yeah, but it is leather so you can't really launder them. It's very smelly.
Yoohei) So yeah, talking about fashion. Your music is really different from other bands but your fashion is really fun too. I love this kind of the colorful and it really means Britpop kind of the same rhythm. Because you know, when I was like listening to 90s bands, it was kind of really colorful. I went to like Radiohead and everything. It’s kind of more like monotone kind of like that was really colorful, but more dreamy.
Sam) You say that the first time I haven’t worn oculus day glow colours. It was really...
Murray) Do you want to talk about fashion and we just rolled out a bed. I'm in my joggers but anyway.
Sam) I think the 90s is just like a huge nostalgia influence. Like always because you know, its like our first memories of the life. Were in the 90s.
Yoohei) You were boring. Yeah, and 95 I fought right. I was into voices and 95 so yeah,
Sam) Hell yeah
Murray) I mean, you saw it happening in front of you. That’s cool.
Yoohei) Yeah, I mean yeah, I used to live in Syria. That’s why I can speak English a little bit. Because my father was transferred for the business. It was kind of close to Europe, so I was watching MTV world. And before that it was like Nirvana. Curt Cobain. And Oasis came. Well just turn into Britpop/ Yeah, the whole world the war with Oasis....
Murray) Yeah, blood just crazy. So good. And then we keep coming this close to seeing Gorillas live. Some of these festivals we’re doing, we’ve got to leave like just before they go on.
Sam) Yeah, those guys were crazy, but yeah, like in terms of the style, we’ve again, I guess, trying to you know, break new ground and so something different. And when we first started, there wasn’t really many bands like using our colour palette. And like that was all like pastels and stuff at the sky and really influenced by like, you know, films and yeah, 90s on pop culture as well. And yeah, and we still are obsessed with that like colour palette we keep saying every album we released, we do a lot harsher. We do like a monochrome like should we just do it because then switch it up and I think we will eventually as we like mature but right now I just love bright colours like my house is just like, multicolored just crazy.
Yoohei) Yeah, that’s cool. What was your,, like, most biggest influence in music when you were in childhood?
Sam) The music you grew up listening to was like some of the cheesiest but the best, but like yeah, kareoke music in the world. Like Bee Gees, yeah, big melodic choruses.
Murray) Just use these like the Yeah, the melody but the chords of Beegees is like, stayed with me forever. Like they're doing great as songwriters. So like, thanks to my mum for having terrible cheesy music at the time, so thank ya my mum. Yeah, so I think that inspired us to kind of be obsessed with chords and then later on finding people like Stevie Wonder and like all their like soul musicians obsessed with just jazz and soul like Isley Brothers parliament. Like forever.
Sam) … and we used to play. We play like horns, like he plays a sax I used to play the trumpet. So we would like listen to all of that old jazz music as well and I think that inspired us to like, kind of bring like jazz chords into into our into the band thing, which again, was quite interesting for British band. Yeah. I thought so. Anyway, I don't know if it is but I'm always trying to shoehorn a bit more saxophone into anything we do. Just because you know what? To show always trying to shoehorn a bit more saxophone into anything we do.
Murray) But it's definitely hard to pinpoint inspiration if we had the rest of the band or they'd all say completely different musicians. We will listen to very different music in our downtime. Yeah, we have obviously lots of common ground but yeah, we all listen to very different stuff....
Yoohei) Doesn’t really fall out. I mean, fight when you’re making music?
Sam) I think that's part of why our music might be like a little different, because we kind of take all the, all the influences into accounting, so yeah, it makes it makes it a bit weirder.
Yoohei) Like you know, we used to fight a lot. I’m in a band called [Alexandros], and we used to. Because we all have different backgrounds, but now we have a good environment.
Murray) Yeah, it’s hard, isn’t it?
Yoohei) It is hard.
Murray) It’s all the touring we flight?
Sam) Yeah.
Murray) I think we fight more when we are on tour just because you can find I mean, catching us a good time. We'd love to pan we've had loads of incredible experiences but quite relaxed. Yeah. You know, sometimes you might you know what it's like you've been on tour for like two months cooped up in a van and like, someone says the wrong thing and poof! yeah, fireworks.
Yoohei) We used to live together. Four members in one house, about 10 years ago. That was really a good time, but you know, bad time as well.
Murray) When I had bands doing that, like, because we've got some friends called sports team. I don't know if you know those guys. Yeah, they live together. Or they certainly used to and like, the stories and also just, that's crazy. I like I love you, bro. But I love you too. Yeah, like come on, never lived together.
Yoohei) You have to bring your girlfriend.
Murray) Oh god. Yeah, and your dogs yeah. Like we need a big house.
Yoohei) So your new album, “MAYBE IN ANOTHER LIFE...” has come out.
Sam) There's only three songs you can listen to.
Yoohei) Yeah. I love all the three songs and of course I missed listening to “BASEMENT”. So what kind of album is it gonna be?
Murray) um, I think we really enjoyed making this album and I think that's the most important thing about it and your hair at the you know, you know what it's like being in a band and having to you kind of have to write music. And there's an element of that, that it's really hard to forget. You know, when we started we just wrote music for fun and it was a hobby in a way of, you know, a form of expression and all of a sudden it's become, dare I say like monetized and it's become like a business. And associate you gotta write music is like going to break you in Japan and its f...., so that's hard. But for this album, there isn't that there's there's just none of that. I really don't care if it's commercially successful or not. And I've just really enjoyed the process. Like we love that there's so much. It really is like a genuine portrayal of music that I think is really good. So I'm excited. I'm so proud of it as well. It's it's more accomplished, I think more ambitious and it's just better, genuine as well. Yeah, I think so. I really think it's a lot more genuine. It's very much just I was just is what it is. We haven't over thought it and we've had these chats about. We wanted to be there so we wanted to change the way that music was in England, but I haven't really considered any of those things on this album very much so...
Sam) And we had so much time to overthink the first album and we sat on those songs for years, and repeating the same questions over in your head about “is it good enough?” like doing these change stuff, and this was just dumb.
Murray) I think we are more confident in our tastes, I think, which helps. I used to question a lot of things, I guess because I grew up listening to so much cheesy music, like ABBA and Cher. I be like “Is this cheesy?” And then if I thought it was, it’ll be like “Okay, that will never see the light of day”, whereas now, I’m all just like “if I like it, and I wrote it, and it means something, then that‘s good enough for me”, like “I’m not gonna question it anymore”. So all of these, the stuff that made the album pretty much, is like demos. They are not demos, but there exactly as it was as it was intended, I didn’t re-record or reproduce any of it. It was just exactly straight off the...
Sam) Off the press
Murray) Yeah man.
Yoohei) Can’t wait man. I’m so excited for it to come out.
Sam) Yeah us too.
Yoohei) and every one in Japan. So any messege for Japanese listeners in Japan?
Murray) Oh this is my favorite bit, because Sam’s been learning Japanese...
Yoohei) He is?
Murray) Yeah. This morning in the hotel he was like “look”, he had sunglasses on, he looked ruff, and he actually messes with me like “yo, you got any pain killers?” and he came down and he was like “if you dare say I'm learning Japanese today, I’m gonna smack you.” and so far we’ve had 3 interviews,
Sam) Every single one. It’s like this man is....
Murray) So he hates me for this, but he’s gonna do his best to speak to the Japanese.
Sam) Aishitemasu. Hajimemashite. We wanna come back as soon as possible.
Murray) So sorry, you did great. You did great. He’s really good. He’s really good. But yeah, honestly, it’s just been amazing to be in Japan. I’ve always wanted to go to Japan, just as a tourist. Literally have been at the top of my holiday destination list.
Sam) We love like the similarity between Japan and the UK. It’s like an ancient island nation. So much history, like incredible culture, just like super ingrained. But you have it better. You have better than me. Although its too hot.
Murray) Yeah, it’s very similar. I’m just so cool. Like it’s just the best country ever, man.
Yoohei) Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Okay, so, so this radio programme is called “Oto-Okashi”.
Sam・Murray) “Oto-Okashi”
Murray) Alright, Thanks man. Also, can I just say your English wasn’t very good. But it was perfect, fluent.
Yoohei) I was nervous.
Yoohei) And you’ve just written in English.
Sam・Murray) “Oto-Okashi”
Murray) Hey, we're Easy Life and you're listening to “Oto-Okashi”
Yoohei) Thank you.
Sam・Murray) Thank you.